Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Brain Hurts

Every couple of months, I will have a bout of insomnia that keeps me from sleeping for a few days. It just so happens that it is happening now. I tried to read to fall asleep. My bedtime reading last night of a paper for sociology concerning crime, rape and homicides. Tonight it will most likely be the monetary policy of the Fed, with some partial derivatives in there to mix it up.
The lack of sleep may be caused by the Vermonster my friends and I ate last night to celebrate a friend's birthday. Twenty scoops of ice cream, four bananas, four ounces of hot fudge and caramel, several toppings and whipped cream to top the monstrous vat of dairy off. I already couldn't sleep before attempting that though. Besides the lack of sleep and large work load (three exams next week), it has been a good week thus far. I feel happy. Maybe it's because the weather is changing for the better, or because participating in the Big Event made me feel somewhat accomplished or because I have Relay for Life to look forward to this weekend. Just a few more weeks left.

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