Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wanting to Follow Bread Crumbs

With the stress of school piling up, I find it difficult to find time to just relax. Thankfully, my family surprised me by visiting on Valentine’s Day to have lunch with me. My dad told me that I needed to chill out. Easily my favorite part of the weekend, though a close second would have to be the gigantic stuffed dogs they bought for my roommate and I. They are affectionately dubbed Wilbur and Bones and though they can’t replace our real dogs, hugging them makes us feel a little closer to home.

I also signed a lease with my friends for an apartment in the area so I do have a place to live next year. When we went to finalize the lease, we all noticed that there were bowls of candy everywhere in the apartment’s office. I felt a bit like Hansel and Gretel, indulging in the simply joys of processed and artificially colored candy while the landlady made copies of everything for us in the next room. She doesn’t seem like a witch, but to end this lightheartedly, I’ll share a joke found on a laffy taffy wrapper.

Why did the witch fly on a broom?

The vacuum cleaner was too heavy.

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